We are happy to participate at 6th Annual Highly Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Conference 2022 organized by SMi from 9 to 10 May in London.
The Global High Potency API/HPAPI Market is projected to reach 37 billion USD by 2027, growing at an ever-increasing CAGR of 8.43%. The expanding production of high potency APIs, along with the increase in associated toxicities, are driving requirements for more effective containment solutions and much-needed guidelines to ensure worker safety.
The conference will encompass the critical topics including risk assessment, occupational toxicology, engineering controls for containment, facility design, and the impact of pharmaceutical manufacture on the environment.
Save the Date!!! Next Monday, 9th of May, our EHS & Toxicology Director, Fabio Zenobi, will present its speech 'Manufacturing of oncological products by a CDMO' during the Conference Day1, from 12:20