We are very happy to attend next 12th Annual Summit of World Bispecific 2021 Summit (Digital Event), organized by Hanson Wade from 29th of September to 1st of October
The summit represents the possibility to sharing cutting-edge research, learn from other peers and engage in quality networking to forge valuable collaborations.
The 12th World Bispecific (BsAbs) Summit is a virtual event created to satisfy the industry’s need to share cutting-edge research, learn from your peers and engage in quality networking within a niche and highly selective audience to forge valuable collaborations on the optimization of new bispecific molecules with the objective to helping the biopharma teams superating the numerous problems on these themes.
Save the Date!!! Next Thursday, September 30 (Conference Day One), giorgio salciarini (Technical Business Development Manager), will present the following speech 'Addressing the Complexity of Manufactuiring Biologics from Early Stage to Commercial' from 10:40 AM, EDT Time.