We are very happy to attend the “Come trasformare una fabbrica farmaceutica in una Smart Factory” event of Rome 2023, organized by SPS Italia with ISPE next 16th of February.
The annual appointment organized by SPS Italia (Smart Production Solutions), in collaboration with ISPE, dedicated to discover the state of the art on the subject of digitization in Pharma and Life Science industries in general, on its maturity, on the effective use of technologies enablers, on the benefits, on the difficulties that companies encounter, and on concrete experiences in the field in adopting the new paradigm. After the sharing of the results of the 6th edition of the ISPE Survey on 4.0 by Teresa Minero - CEO LifeBee and part of the international Board of ISPE - there will be two interventions by bio-pharmaceutical companies - BSP Pharmaceuticals and MENARINI Group - who will tell about their experiences on the path towards 4.0 and digitization. The day will close with a round table with a selection of suppliers in the sector.
To request a meeting, please send an e-mail to Business.Development@Bsppharmaceuticals.com
Save the Date!!! Next Thursday, 16th February 2023, our Filippo Trionfera (Quality Operation Manager & Qualified Person), will presents to other guests its keynote speech 'La digitalizzazione una chiave di successo per il Sistema di qualità' from 11:00 AM.